Have you started a startup business but don’t know exactly where to… well… start when it comes to marketing yourself online? You have stumbled upon the right blog. We are going to explain why it’s so …
Content Marketing Basics: How to Write Google-Friendly Blogs
Did you ever stop to think about the best way to formulate and write a blog for content marketing? Sure, we make it look easy here at Multiverse Media Group, and that mostly comes from the fact that …
Effective Landing Page Optimization: The Ins-and-Outs
If you’re new to the concept of “landing pages,” you probably want to know how landing pages fit into your marketing arsenal. Put succinctly, a landing page is any page that receives traffic from …
Relationship Marketing vs. Transactional Marketing: A Biased Discussion
“Build the relationship, and the transactions will follow.” Now, we realize that this sounds like something straight from the screenplay of "Field of Dreams", but in the worlds of relationship …
Five Local Marketing Facts That Will Change the Way You Think
You should know by now that online marketing is a powerful tool for local businesses to utilize in order to build a brand, connect to consumers and garner leads. The bottom line is this, no matter …
6 Ways to Increase Website Traffic
There are no ifs, ands or buts about it – you have to increase your website traffic if you want to succeed going into 2016 and beyond as a business owner. Now, to begin with, is it safe for us to …
Five Ways to Increase Website Conversion Rates
Five Ways to Increase Website Conversion Rates Take it from us: Increasing your conversion rates is absolutely critical in your long-term marketing plan. Why? Having a good conversion rate is the …