Our words-to-time video script calculator is a simple way to determine how many words on the page you need for your video script. To make a great video, planning is essential – so think about the energy of your video when using our script timer. There’s nothing more frustrating than writing down your presentation and it reads perfect, but when you say it out loud it is either too short of a script or too long. Convert those words to time with our word timer and never worry again about the length of your presentation.
Video Script Timer
Do you need to find the timing of your video or voice over script? Well, that’s exactly what this web-based video script timer application does. All you need to do it select the speed of your read above, then enter the word count of your script.
Never ask how long it takes to say 300 words, or how long is 100 words when talking out loud? Answer: It takes around 2 minutes to read 300 words and about 50 seconds for 100 words. We should know. We’ve filmed hundreds of talking head videos and have written countless scripts for our clients.
A Fun and Professional Word Timer Calculator
Our script timer app will take that information and give you an approximate speed in both seconds and minutes which you can use to get a clear idea of how long your productions will be once recorded. And remember just because the timing is right doesn’t mean the message is. Please ask us for our help with your next script or presentation. We can ghostwrite your script quickly and affordably, and at the highest possible quality.
If you like this script time calculator please share it with someone. This helps our online visibility and supports our business.
If this video timer gives you any guff or if you feel like saying “thank you Team Multiverse” on FB, please tell us how you feel.
Otherwise, check out these additional free video production resources, to help you with your next production.
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