Last Updated on May 4, 2018 by Kari McLain
Since February, I have been very eager to discuss with the internet about the famous Tesla in space! February 6, 2018, SpaceX launched Elon Musk’s personal Tesla Roadster as the dummy payload for the Falcon Heavy test flight. In the driver’s seat sits Starman, who is named after David Bowie’s 1972 hit Starman, is a mannequin dressed in the most streamlined spacesuit ever designed.
The Tesla in space has ‘easter eggs’.
Elon didn’t waste any time thinking of some clever easter eggs to include with his unique payload. It’s no secret that he is a huge science fiction nerd and an occasional gamer, so it was only natural for him to take advantage of this opportunity and display just now nerdy he really is. For those who are unsure of the term ‘easter egg’ this is essentially a funny, quirky joke hidden in plain view. Usually these reference something in the past which has significant importance. Read on to discover the easter eggs planted upon the Tesla in space!
1. A tiny Tesla Roadster with a tiny Starman.
On the dashboard sits a tiny hot wheels Tesla Roadster with a tiny Starman in the driver’s seat. I am not sure what this signifies, but it sure is hilarious to think about.
“Maybe it’ll be discovered by some future alien race thinking, ‘What the heck were these guys doing? Did they worship this car?'” quipped Musk. “‘Why do they have a little car in the car?’ That will really confuse them.”
2. Tipping his nerd-hat to A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
On the computer’s in-dash screen reads the message, “DON’T PANIC!” which is a reference to the popular Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Rumor also has it there is a copy of the book on board along with a towel.
3. Made on Earth by Humans.
Printed upon one of the circuit boards on the Tesla in space reads the phrase, “Made on Earth by Humans” for any extraterrestrial life that may wonder who exactly built this bizarre creation.
4. Plaque with over 6,000 SpaceX employee names.
If the extraterrestrials who discover this crazy hunk of flying car metal in the next billion years actually wonder who exactly created this thing, they’re in luck! On board is a plaque with over 6,000 names of all SpaceX employees who were involved in this unique payload test.
5. There’s an Arch which contains The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov.
Also mounted inside the Roadster is an Arch (pronounced “Ark” for those who don’t know), which is a laser optical quartz storage device designed to survive the relentless environment of space. The disc was provided by the Arch Mission Foundation, who says their goal is to “preserve and disseminate humanity’s most important information across time and space, for the benefit of future generations.” Strange thing to preserve, right?
Why the Tesla in Space is a brilliant marketing strategy.
Tesla is famous for their zero dollar marketing budget. They do not spend a dime on commercials, magazine articles, or anything of the like. Elon has highlighted in the past that they do not spend millions on advertising as they believe in creating products that people actually want, and not products that people endure. Tesla wants their customers to do that for them. They have successfully created a community of an Apple-esque cult following that discusses the Tesla lifestyle, the ownership experience, and even the rants and raves. At the end of the day, advertising for Tesla is free.
A Tesla in space is less boring than a pile of bricks.
While Musk was quoted as saying the payload would be “less boring” than a pile of bricks, we are sure there is more to the decision than that. Months before the Falcon Heavy launch, Tesla and SpaceX shared images on social media of the Tesla payload being arranged and carefully put into the capsule. These images stirred tons of interest and coverage making headlines everywhere.
Tesla captured our imaginations, and that sells cars.
The excitement hit an all-time high when the live stream of the Falcon Heavy launch started and broadcasted the maiden flight. Once it successfully made it to space and the capsule opened, we were treated with a breathtaking view of Earth and the Tesla Roadster with Starman in the foreground. Not only was the world excited for a new era of space travel, but everyone also wanted to own a Tesla.
What do you guys think of Elon Musk’s marketing strategies? What do you like or dislike? Comment below and let’s have a discussion!